A Wheel of Time Wiki

For a summary of all translated versions of The Wheel of Time see The Wheel of Time translations.

In Spanish, the Wheel of Time translates as La Rueda del Tiempo. The books have been published and republished via various branches of, or companies subsequently bought by, Editorial Planeta, a publishing company in Spain.

The most recent editions have one book for each of the English titles, with the exception of the first two volumes which were split into two. They are published by Minotauro, as subdivision of Editorial Planeta dealing with fantasy and science-fiction literature. Previous editions were published by Timunmas, also a subsidiary of Editorial Planeta. There exists another edition by Altaya, later bought by Editorial Planeta, consisting of two books for every book up to Knife of Dreams, except The Path of Daggers which was published as a single volume. Altaya also published an edition of The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, but not of New Spring.

Maria Dolors Gallart translated the material from the first three books, while the remaining material is translated by Mila López.

Spanish audiobooks of the whole series, narrated by Francesc Góngora and Lola Sans, are available on StoryTel.[1]

Book titles[]

The following list gives the split titles as well as those that correspond with the English volumes. Note that the single volume version of The Great Hunt has the same title translated into Spanish, although the original split Spanish version used this only for part two. Translations are assumed to be the same as the English with translations given in parentheses for titles that don't have an equivalent volume in English.

  • Prequel: Nueva primavera - The New Spring
  1. El Ojo del Mundo - The Eye of the World
    1. Desde Dos Ríos (From the Two Rivers)
    2. La Llaga (The Wound)
  2. El despertar de los héroes (The Heroes' Awakening) - The Great Hunt
    1. La Gran Cacería (The Great Hunt)
    2. La Batalla de Falme (The Battle at Falme)
  3. El Dragón Renacido- The Dragon Reborn
    1. Camino a Tear (The Journey to Tear)
    2. El Pueblo del Dragón (The People of the Dragon)
  4. El Ascenso de la Sombra - The Shadow Rising
    1. Los Portales de Piedra (The Stone Halls)
    2. El Yermo de Aiel (The Aiel Waste)
  5. Cielo en Llamas - The Fires of Heaven
    1. La Torre Blanca (The White Tower)
    2. Cielo en Llamas (The Heavens Aflame)
  6. El Señor del Caos - Lord of Chaos
    1. El Señor del Caos (The Lord of Chaos)
    2. Los Asha'man (The Asha'man)
  7. La Corona de Espadas - A Crown of Swords
    1. El Cuenco de los Vientos (The Bowl of the Winds)
    2. La Corona de Espadas (The Crown of Swords)
  8. El Camino de Dagas - The Path of Daggers
    1. El Camino de Dagas (The Path of Daggers)
    2. Nuevas Alianzas (New Alliances)
  9. El Corazón del invierno - Winter's Heart
    1. El Corazón del invierno (Winter's Heart)
    2. La Hija de las Nueve Lunas (The Daughter of the Nine Moons)
  10. Encrucijada en el crepúsculo - Crossroads in Twilight
    1. Encrucijada en el crepúsculo (Crossroads of Twilight)
    2. Asedio a Tar Valon (The Siege on Tar Valon)
  11. Cuchillo de sueños - Knife of Dreams
  12. La tormenta (The Storm) - The Gathering Storm
  13. Torres de medianoche - Towers of Midnight
  14. Un recuerdo de luz - A Memory of Light

Book covers[]



Note that the majority of these are black except for books 7-10. It appears that each book was in two parts until book 7 where they changed to yellow covers for all books, which then reverted back to the black design with each book no longer divided into two.


Timun Mas (older)[]

