A Wheel of Time Wiki

The Haido are a sept of the Shaarad Aiel. The sept hold is the Bent Valley Hold.

Bair, the Aiel Dreamwalker, is fom the Haido sept. She tells a story of a young Haido Water Seeker who is forced to take Chenda, a roofmistress of the Mainde Cut hold of the Jenda sept, as gai'shain because of a matter of honor. Before a year and a day is passed, he ends up taking one of Chenda's daughters as a wife, meaning that his mother-in-law was still in service to him. In an effort to remedy this situation, he tried to give his mother-in-law to his wife as a wedding gift, yet both of the women involved claimed he was trying to rob them of honor. He almost had to take his own wife as gai'shain to keep his own honor intact.
