A Wheel of Time Wiki

Mattin Stepaneos den Balgar is a former King of Illian. His sign is three leopards, silver on black.


He is muscular. He has a white beard with the upper lip bare. He is heavily balding and has had his nose broken a number of times.


In 957 NE as a young King, Mattin Stepaneos led a coalition to counter the Whitecloak expansion into Altara in the Whitecloak War. He lost most battles against Lord Captain Commander Pedron Niall, and was even captured at the battle of Soremaine. After being ransomed back to Illian by the Whitecloaks, Mattin Stepaneos managed to force the Whitecloaks to reaffirm the pre-war borders between Altara and Amadicia.


Two days before Rand al'Thor's forces attack Sammael and Illian, Mattin Stepaneos was kidnapped by the White Tower. He is currently Elaida's "guest."

He approaches Egwene al'Vere, who tells him the truth of Colavaere Saighan and Morgase Trakand's deaths. She defends the Dragon Reborn and points out his captivity in the White Tower.

Once Egwene becomes Amyrlin Seat she tells Mattin he is free to leave but he is too afraid to leave.

He is last seen during the meeting where the Dragon's Peace is signed.
