A Wheel of Time Wiki
"It isn't the dice. It's the luck."
   — Mat Cauthon

Book Index


Fortress of the Light
1 Waiting
2 Saidin
3 News from the Plain
4 Shadows Sleeping
5 Nightmares Walking
6 The Hunt Begins
7 The Way Out of the Mountains
8 Jarra
9 Wolf Dreams
10 Secrets
11 Tar Valon
12 The Amyrlin Seat
13 Punishments
14 The Bite of the Thorns
15 The Gray Man
16 Hunters Three
17 The Red Sister
18 Healing
19 Awakening
20 Visitations
21 A World of Dreams
22 The Price of the Ring
23 Sealed
24 Scouting and Discoveries
25 Questions
26 Behind a Lock
27 Tel'aran'rhiod
28 A Way Out
29 A Trap to Spring
30 The First Toss
31 The Woman of Tanchico
32 The First Ship
33 Within the Weave
34 A Different Dance
35 The Falcon
36 Daughter of the Night
37 Fires in Cairhien
38 Maidens of the Spear
39 Threads in the Pattern
40 A Hero in the Night
41 A Hunter's Oath
42 Easing the Badger
43 Shadowbrothers
44 Hunted
45 Caemlyn
46 A Message Out of the Shadow
47 To Race the Shadow
48 Following the Craft
49 A Storm in Tear
50 The Hammer
51 Bait for the Net
52 In Search of a Remedy
53 A Flow of the Spirit
54 Into the Stone
55 What Is Written in Prophecy
56 People of the Dragon

<<<   The First Ship    >>>
Setting: Tar Valon, River Erinin

Point of view: Matrim Cauthon

Mat and Thom arrive on the wharf just as a ship, the Gray Gull, is unfastening its mooring lines. Mat told Thom he intended to catch the first ship, and that is the ship. A dockmaster attempts to stop Mat due to Aes Sedai orders, but Mat has the letter from the Amyrlin given to him by Elayne. The ship is underway so they have to jump to land on the ship's deck. The ship's captain, Huan Mallia, calls on two of his crew to toss them back into the harbor. Mat uses gold and the letter to secure passage to Aringill. The captain says they can have his cabin and meals for five gold each believing no one would pay that and then is astounded when Mat calmly starts counting gold coins into his hand. 

As they get their things into the cabin, they listen to the captain, who is trying to pump them for information.  Mat tells Thom about winning the gold at dice using others dice, the letter from the Amyrlin, the letter from Elayne to Morgase, and Thom doesn't believe a word of it.  Thom goes to sleep but Mat lies awake pondering the events of the last couple of days. He hears feet outside the cabin door and fights two men that come into the cabin, killing them with the quarterstaff.  Mat goes up onto the deck and tells the man at the tiller "he’s dead", then cracks him in the head.  Thom throws a knife to kill a man that Mat didn't see.  Two more men are left in a boat tied to the stern and swim away. The captain comes on deck, furious. Thom says he saved the captain’s ship from river brigands so perhaps he should reconsider their price for passage.

Point of view: Rand al'Thor

He was playing "Rose of the Morning on his flute.  This was song he played at a wedding, there were so many weddings, he thinks.  He wonders about the dreams he has.  Are they real?  Selene told him in the dreams that he must take Callandor.    






