A Wheel of Time Wiki
"I always believe in giving people what they deserve. Yes. I suspect you will learn a great deal once you reach the White Tower"
   —Siuan Sanche

Book Index


In the Shadow
1 The Flame of Tar Valon
2 The Welcome
3 Friends and Enemies
4 Summoned
5 The Shadow in Shienar
6 Dark Prophecy
7 Blood Calls Blood
8 The Dragon Reborn
9 Leavetakings
10 The Hunt Begins
11 Glimmers of the Pattern
12 Woven in the Pattern
13 From Stone to Stone
14 Wolfbrother
15 Kinslayer
16 In the Mirror of Darkness
17 Choices
18 To the White Tower
19 Beneath the Dagger
20 Saidin
21 The Nine Rings
22 Watchers
23 The Testing
24 New Friends and Old Enemies
25 Cairhien
26 Discord
27 The Shadow in the Night
28 A New Thread in the Pattern
29 Seanchan
30 Daes Dae'mar
31 On the Scent
32 Dangerous Words
33 A Message from the Dark
34 The Wheel Weaves
35 Stedding Tsofu
36 Among the Elders
37 What Might Be
38 Practice
39 Flight From the White Tower
40 Damane
41 Disagreements
42 Falme
43 A Plan
44 Five Will Ride Forth
45 Blademaster
46 To Come Out of the Shadow
47 The Grave Is No Bar to My Call
48 First Claiming
49 What Was Meant to Be
50 After

<<<   To the White Tower    >>>
Setting: River Erinin, Tar Valon


Point of view: Egwene al'Vere

Egwene and Nynaeve are onboard the River Queen, going to Tar Valon. Nynaeve is seasick and sits in bed most of the time. From her dreaming, Egwene is worried that Rand is in danger. Egwene has been having dreams about a man in a mask hurting Rand.[1]

The Amyrlin comes in their room to give them a lesson. Nynaeve makes to leave and says the lessons have been useless. The Amyrlin demonstrates the usefulness of the Power by wrapping Nynaeve and Egwene in Air. The Amyrlin mocks Nynaeve and eventually Nynaeve retaliates by flinging the Amyrlin against the wall. Having succeeded in making Nynaeve angry, the Amyrlin is satisfied. The Amyrlin was told that Nynaeve can channel at her best when her temper is high. The Amyrlin shields Nynaeve which dispels her weave, demonstrating how much more she has left to learn. They go through a difficult lesson and Nynaeve is infuriated afterwards, but Egwene is only excited at her own progress.

The ship docks at Tar Valon and the girls can see Dragonmount off to the west. This sight makes Egwene think of Rand. The people at the dock rush to greet the Amyrlin and the Aes Sedai seem to have forgotten about Nynaeve and Egwene. A dockman tells Nynaeve that her horse will be taken to the Tower, and they should get a move to get to the White Tower. Egwene marvels at the beauty of the city.

Sheriam meets Egwene and Nynaeve as they leave the ship, and says she is to show them to their rooms. Nynaeve says she is to be Accepted, skipping novice training, and the Mistress of Novices agrees even though it has never been done before. Nynaeve expresses her concern on how hard novice training will be for Egwene. Sheriam reassures her that they won't be too hard on a novice, but that the first few weeks as Accepted are very difficult.








