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"I bring enemies with me, Rhuarc. Remember that. Wherever I am, my enemies are never far."
   — Rand to Rhuarc after the fight with Trollocs at Imre Stand.
For the location in the Aiel Waste by the same name, see Imre Stand.

Book Index


1 Seeds of Shadow
2 Whirlpools in the Pattern
3 Reflection
4 Strings
5 Questioners
6 Doorways
7 Playing With Fire
8 Hard Heads
9 Decisions
10 The Stone Stands
11 What Lies Hidden
12 Tanchico or the Tower
13 Rumors
14 Customs of Mayene
15 Into the Doorway
16 Leavetakings
17 Deceptions
18 Into the Ways
19 The Wavedancer
20 Winds Rising
21 Into the Heart
22 Out of the Stone
23 Beyond the Stone
24 Rhuidean
25 The Road to the Spear
26 The Dedicated
27 Within the Ways
28 To the Tower of Ghenjei
29 Homecoming
30 Beyond the Oak
31 Assurances
32 Questions to Be Asked
33 A New Weave in the Pattern
34 He Who Comes With the Dawn
35 Sharp Lessons
36 Misdirections
37 Imre Stand
38 Hidden Faces
39 A Cup of Wine
40 Hunter of Trollocs
41 Among the Tuatha'an
42 A Missing Leaf
43 Care for the Living
44 The Breaking Storm
45 The Tinker's Sword
46 Veils
47 The Truth of a Viewing
48 An Offer Refused
49 Cold Rocks Hold
50 Traps
51 Revelations in Tanchico
52 Need
53 The Price of a Departure
54 Into the Palace
55 Into the Deep
56 Goldeneyes
57 A Breaking in the Three-fold Land
58 The Traps of Rhuidean

<<<   Imre Stand    >>>
Setting: Imre Stand, Aiel Waste


Point of view: Rand al'Thor

Rhuarc tells Rand that they will camp at Imre Stand, which is only a mile ahead. Rand would like to travel farther before stopping but Aviendha scornfully tells him they must camp where there is water if possible. The peddlers also have a hard time traveling late in the day due to the shadows on the broken terrain. Rand believes Aviendha is wearing a dress to spy on him and does not realize she is an apprentice to the Wise Ones now instead of a Maiden. Rand is surprised the Wise Ones are not looking at him but rather they are huddled with Egwene around Moiraine who is holding something sparkling in her hand.[1] Lan is riding a bit further back, seemingly having been sent away.

Scouts bring word to Rhuarc and the Shaido that something is wrong at Imre Stand. Rhuarc tells Adelin to pass the message to the Wise Ones, but Mat observes that they seem to already know.[2] Rand sees that the Wise Ones have suddenly become very animated and Egwene is looking straight at him. Aviendha tells Rand that it was probably a raid by another clan. Rhuarc leads the Taardad at a run while Rand rides at a brisk walk and Mat trails behind. Imre Stand appears deserted except for a few goats and that is very unusual, even after a raid. The residents appear to have been slaughtered and Mat believes it was Trollocs. Aviendha disagrees since Trollocs do not come into the Waste except in the far north.

Kadere leads Isendre to the blood-soaked rooms, then she leads Kadere over to talk to Rand. Aviendha then chides Rand for looking at Isendre. Rand goes to Lan to work sword forms so he can get away from Aviendha. Rand asks Lan about how the Aiel fight and Lan shares some of what he knows of their tactics and how to counter them.[3] Aviendha butts in and dismisses Lan's tactics. Rhuarc disagrees and acknowledges that Borderlanders have indeed fought the Aiel with some success in the past. Rhuarc finally lectures Aviendha about how she talks to Rand and what her obligations will be as a Wise One. Rand realizes that Aviendha is now learning to become a Wise One and can probably channel. Rhuarc then asks Rand if he wishes to learn the spear and Rand immediately agrees, as he wishes to know as much about the Aiel as possible. The Aiel are Rand's people even though he does not know them.

Point of view: Matrim Cauthon

Mat observes the Aiel trading with the peddlers. Much of the loot from Tear is traded for various objects such as cloth, books and alcohol. Heirn even asks for Two Rivers tabac but there is none available. As he sits, his mind wanders to battlefield tactics with crossbows. The holes in his memory before he went to Rhuidean are now filled with memories of dances, cities, battles, like a hundred different memories from a hundred different men. He also realizes he is fluent in the Old Tongue, not just the occasional lapses in speech he had before.

Jasin Natael comes over and catches Mat talking to himself in the Old Tongue. Natael mutters about the Aiel, saying that they are not what he expected at all. Natael begins to question him about Rand and his travels, supposedly as a bard collecting stories. Natael is especially interested in what Mat saw in Rhuidean and tries to get every detail. Mat skips over the ter'angreal (especially the twisted redstone doorframe) and the bubble of evil and only talks reluctantly about the buildings and Avendesora. Natael is particularly interested in the fog that surrounds the city. Keille comes over and she and Natael argue as they leave. Natael seems to win the argument. After a supper of roasted goat Rhuarc asks Natael for a song, startling him. Natael then brings out his harp and sings an epic song of a battle long ago that involved Manetheren. Mat is shocked to realize he remembers the battle and that it did not end the way the song portrays.

Suddenly a horde of Trollocs with some Myrddraal attack. The Aiel immediately engage them and Mat fights with his ashandarei. His new memories seem to help him wield the weapon. Several times he is about to suffer a mortal wound but Aiel spears or arrows take out the attacker. Periodically the silver foxhead medallion on his chest goes cold, but he barely notices. After the Trollocs are dead, Rand comes over to check on Mat, trailed by Aviendha with a spear. Rhuarc notices that the bulk of the Trollocs attacked the Taardad, with only a cursory number attacking the Wise Ones and Shaido, seemingly to prevent them from assisting the Taardad. Rand tells Rhuarc that enemies will always follow in his wake.

Point of view: Rand al'Thor

Moiraine checks on Rand but he was uninjured in the attack. Moiraine also comments that the attack was focused on Rand. Rand heads to his tent to sleep, with Aviendha still following. She is outside his tent when he wakes in the morning.






  1. The sparkling object is probably Moiraine's kesiera which she uses for her eavesdropping weave. The women are listening in on Rand's conversation with Rhuarc. The Wise Ones previously discussed the need for them to learn of Rand's plans before he enacts them in The Shadow Rising, Chapter 35.
  2. From the eavesdropping.
  3. Lan fought in the Aiel War and knows much about their military strategy. (New Spring, Chapter 1)
  • At least one edition has the wheel icon for this chapter.
